3 Mystical Stories from Internet Users That Will Give You Goosebumps

We’ve all heard them, stories that make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Tales whispered in the dark, shared over campfires or late-night conversations. Some dismiss them as fabrications or figments of overactive imaginations.

But what if these stories aren’t? What if there’s a world beyond the veil of our understanding, where the unexplained isn’t just a possibility but a reality?

Buckle up as we dive into three chilling encounters shared by everyday people who claim to have come face-to-face with the inexplicable.

People sitting around a campfire | Source: Midjourney

People sitting around a campfire | Source: Midjourney

1. The Woman on the Road

It was a late-night drive back from the in-laws’ place, down an old winding forest road. My wife and I were in separate cars because we had gone straight from work. I was leading, and she was following close behind.

The road was known to be deserted, especially at night. Just a dark, empty stretch cutting through the woods. During the day, you’d maybe see a car or two, locals mostly.

A winding road through the forest | Source: Midjourney

A winding road through the forest | Source: Midjourney

But at night?

That road belonged to the shadows.

We had about 20 miles left before hitting the main highway. I was relaxed, listening to the radio, I wasn’t easily afraid, but I didn’t like driving at night. At least the radio broke through the silence.

But then, something happened.

A man driving | Source: Midjourney

A man driving | Source: Midjourney

Out of nowhere, I saw an old woman standing right in the middle of the road. She was dressed in a black cloak, holding a basket in her hands, and she didn’t flinch as my headlights bore down on her.

“What on earth…” I yanked the wheel hard, veering off the road. My car skidded into a ditch with a crunch. I was shaken but unharmed. I threw open the door and jumped out, my heart pounding like a drum.

Seconds later, my wife’s car pulled up behind me, and she ran over, eyes wide with panic.

A woman standing in the middle of a road | Source: Midjourney

A woman standing in the middle of a road | Source: Midjourney

“What happened? Did you fall asleep at the wheel?” she asked, breathless.

“There was a woman!” I shouted, pointing back to the road. “She was standing right there! Right in the middle of the road!”

My wife turned to look where I was pointing.

“What woman, Chad?” she asked, confused.

A close up of a woman | Source: Midjourney

A close up of a woman | Source: Midjourney

I spun around to see for myself. The road was entirely empty. It was just a dark, empty stretch under the pale moonlight. There was no sign of the woman.

My wife insisted that she’d been right behind me, that she would’ve seen her too. But she hadn’t.

Was I the only one who had?

We drove home in silence, but all the while, the image of that old woman lingered in my mind. I never found out who, or what, she was.

But I’ve avoided that road ever since.

A man looking out a window | Source: Midjourney

A man looking out a window | Source: Midjourney

2. The Haunted Patrol

Being a law enforcement officer, I’ve seen my fair share of bizarre and unsettling things. But nothing prepared me for what I encountered after my father died.

It was back in 2009, and we were holding a wake at our family home. After everyone had left, my family and I returned home, the air heavy with grief.

It was late, and we were exhausted. But just as we were about to turn in for the night, we heard it. A loud banging coming from the adjacent room, which was my father’s bedroom.

A police officer | Source: Midjourney

A police officer | Source: Midjourney

It sounded like someone was hammering a stone against a wooden table, the noise reverberating through the walls. We rushed upstairs and flicked on the lights.

The room was empty. It was dead silent, and nothing was out of place.

“I don’t get it,” I said. “Everything seems perfectly fine.”

We couldn’t explain it, but we knew what we’d heard. The hair on the back of my neck prickled. It was as if my dad was trying to reach out, making his presence known one last time.

A bedroom | Source: Midjourney

A bedroom | Source: Midjourney

But this wasn’t the end of my meetings with the paranormal.

Naturally, there was going to be more.

While patrolling one of the areas on my shift, I was chatting with my partner and hoping for a cup of coffee when he pointed toward something.

It was an old hammock tied between two trees. Sounds normal, right? Wrong. Because this hammock was swaying back and forth, as if someone, or something, was lying in it, rocking themselves gently.

A hammock swinging between trees | Source: Midjourney

A hammock swinging between trees | Source: Midjourney

Curious though, my partner walked over and tried to stop the hammock, but it just wouldn’t stop moving at all. It kept moving as if it had a life of its own.

It went on for a minute or so, and then suddenly stopped, hanging still as a rock in mid-air.

A shocked police officer | Source: Midjourney

A shocked police officer | Source: Midjourney

We exchanged uneasy glances, trying to understand what on earth we were witnessing. There was no explanation. There was no wind and no logical reason for it to move like that.

We left soon after, not saying a word about what we had seen.

I tried to make sure that I didn’t have to patrol that area again because whenever I thought about it I was overcome with fear. It was the fact that it was something that couldn’t be explained.

A still hammock between trees | Source: Midjourney

A still hammock between trees | Source: Midjourney

3. The Phantom Recliner

All I wanted was a fresh start. And when I moved back into my house after having my ex-husband legally evicted, I thought that my fresh start was finally happening. This was going to be the moment I transformed my life.

The house was mine again, but as soon as I stepped inside, I knew something wasn’t right. The place was a complete disaster. Alex had left it trashed, with actual piles of garbage stacked high in every corner. There were burn holes in the rug, and the walls were slashed.

“Really, Alex?” I muttered when I took in the scene. “What the hell is this?”

A trashed living room | Source: Midjourney

A trashed living room | Source: Midjourney

Every night, I came home from my full-time job and spent hours cleaning up Alex’s mess, cursing him as I worked. It felt like a losing battle, the chaos he left behind swallowing every ounce of my energy.

“You stupid fool.”

It was the second night back when things got spooky. Lying in bed, I was completely exhausted from another insane day. All I wanted to do was fall asleep with Mia, my dog, and Tom, the cat.

A cat and a dog sitting on a bed | Source: Midjourney

A cat and a dog sitting on a bed | Source: Midjourney

But then I heard it. There were footsteps, heavy and deliberate, seven distinct steps coming down the hallway. They stopped right outside my bedroom, pausing for a few moments.

My breath caught in my throat, and my pressure rose instantly. I was just waiting for the door to open, expecting to see someone. But nothing happened.

Just an eerie, unsettling silence that took over the house.

A shocked woman sitting in bed | Source: Midjourney

A shocked woman sitting in bed | Source: Midjourney

Finally, I mustered the courage to get up and check. I threw the door open, expecting to see Alex, playing a trick on me. But the hallway was empty, too. It was dimly lit by the flickering streetlight outside. My heart pounded in my chest as I searched the house, my hands shaking.

But there was nobody there.

“I swear to the Lord…” I muttered. “Alex, if this is you…”

Then, a few nights later, it all happened again.

A shocked woman sitting on her bed | Source: Midjourney

A shocked woman sitting on her bed | Source: Midjourney

Seven steps followed by a pause. And again, nothing happened.

“I’m going to call the police on this guy,” I said to my pets.

When nothing else happened, I went back to bed.

And then it happened one more time. And this was the big one. This was the incident that shook me to my core.

A woman holding her phone | Source: Midjourney

A woman holding her phone | Source: Midjourney

The now familiar steps came as I got into bed with Mia and Tom. Then, I heard the jingle of keys being dropped on the kitchen counter. It was a familiar sound, the exact way Alex used to do. My skin pricked at the memory. I hated remembering anything about Alex.

Then, there was the unmistakable sound of a recliner kicking back.

But there was one problem: there was no recliner in the house anymore. Alex had taken it with him when he had to leave.

A bowl of keys | Source: Midjourney

A bowl of keys | Source: Midjourney

Now, hearing the sounds, Mia’s ears pricked up, and a low, menacing growl rumbled in her throat. Tom stood up, his fur standing on end as he darted under the bed.

It was already a cold, dark night. And the wind howled outside, rattling the windows as I lay in bed. It was one thing for me to be afraid, but for my pets to have this reaction?

No way. Something crazy was going on. I picked up my phone, keen to just keep it on hand if needed.

I could almost see it, a shadowy figure cruising through my home, each step heavier than the last.

Then, there was a new sound. A faint gurgling sound, like water running through the pipes. I strained to listen, my heart racing.

Water running in a bathroom sink | Source: Midjourney

Water running in a bathroom sink | Source: Midjourney

“Alex?” I muttered.

And then it hit me; it was coming from the master bedroom. I hadn’t moved there yet because it still needed work to be done after Alex trashed it. So I had taken over the guest bedroom for the time being.

Again, Mia stood, her eyes fixed on the bathroom door. She started barking and growling, her teeth bared.

She was ready to attack, ready to protect me from whatever was in there.

And the water kept running. It was impossible, yet there it was. The unmistakable sound of the sink running full blast. And then, just as suddenly as it started, it stopped.

An angry dog | Source: Midjourney

An angry dog | Source: Midjourney

The house fell into a heavy silence again.

I forced myself to move; I couldn’t just sit there, waiting for something. Or someone.

I tried to swing my feet over the edge of the bed, my bare feet touching the cold floor, and reached for the flashlight I kept on the nightstand.

But it was only when Tom resurfaced, climbing back onto the bed, and Mia got back to her usual self, that I moved. I pushed the door open, the flashlight beam cutting through the darkness. The room was empty.

An empty room | Source: Midjourney

An empty room | Source: Midjourney

I moved to the bathroom and checked the sink. It was dry. Bone dry.

I knew what I’d heard. I knew my pets had heard it too; they had reacted to something. There was no denying the sound of the water running and the feel of the house shifting around me. It felt like it had been alive.

But there was nothing. No explanation. No reason. Just an impossible emptiness.

I backed out of the bathroom, closing the door behind me, and collapsed onto the bed.

A shocked woman | Source: Midjourney

A shocked woman | Source: Midjourney

There was no part of the night that made sense. No way did I imagine the sounds because my babies had heard them too. There was no way the sink could be dry because we all heard the water running, we all heard someone in the house.

I moved out not long after that incident, leaving the house and whatever haunted it behind. But the memory lingers, the sounds, the feelings, the fear. They never truly leave you. Not when you’ve faced the impossible.

A woman packing boxes | Source: Midjourney

A woman packing boxes | Source: Midjourney

There’s a reason these stories stay with us long after we’ve heard them. They tap into that primal fear of the unknown, the dread of what lurks in the shadows, just beyond the edges of our understanding.

We may try to rationalize, to find logical explanations, but some experiences defy all explanation. They make us question what we know and what we don’t. Perhaps there’s more to this world than meets the eye, more than we’re willing to admit.

A woman sitting on a couch and thinking | Source: Midjourney

A woman sitting on a couch and thinking | Source: Midjourney

So, the next time you hear a noise in the dead of night, see something move in the corner of your eye, or feel a chill run down your spine, remember these stories.

Because sometimes, the things that go bump in the night are more real than we’d like to believe.

Sleep tight.

An eerie face in a window | Source: Midjourney

An eerie face in a window | Source: Midjourney

If you enjoyed this story, here’s another one for you:

4 Emotional Stories of Weddings That Took Unexpected Turns

Weddings are said to be the most magical day in a woman’s life. From the planning to walking down the aisle to the vows and the first kiss. Sounds wonderful, right? Sure, but it also sounds like the perfect spot for drama and unexpected turns.

Read how these unexpected turns transform what should be a joyful celebration into a whirlwind of emotions. From last-minute mishaps to hidden tensions among guests, the path of saying “I do” can be anything but smooth.

As love and excitement mix with anxiety and stress, these big days can reveal deep-seated insecurities and surprising revelations, making each wedding a unique story of its own.

A collage of wedding photos | Source: Midjourney

A collage of wedding photos | Source: Midjourney

My Fiancé Humiliated Me at the Altar – He Regretted It a Minute Later & Claimed I Ruined His Life

I was set to marry the love of my life. It was supposed to be simple. Easy, even. But when I got to the altar on my wedding day, the entire event turned into a public spectacle.

When Chris walked into the room, the world suddenly seemed so much brighter. We hit it off instantly, slipping into effortless conversation.

Megan chats with Joseph | Source: Midjourney

Megan chats with Joseph | Source: Midjourney

By the end of the night, Joseph was teasing us about how we’d hit it off, and I couldn’t deny the spark.

“It’s magnetic, Megan,” he said.

Chris and I exchanged numbers, and soon, those friendly texts turned into nightly calls, and then into dates.

Chris looks at Megan | Source: Midjourney

Chris looks at Megan | Source: Midjourney

“I can’t get enough of you,” Chris said.

With every moment we spent together, it just felt right. He brought a sense of adventure and a depth of understanding that I hadn’t realized I was craving.

“It’s magical, really, how everything fell into place so quickly and so completely,” I told Joseph one day.

A couple embracing | Source: Unsplash

A couple embracing | Source: Unsplash

My relationship with Chris wasn’t just a whirlwind. It felt like we’d started our own little world. We were wrapped in each other, discovering everything about the other.

Joseph and Chris | Source: Midjourney

Joseph and Chris | Source: Midjourney

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