My FIL Gave Me a Weight Loss Machine for My Birthday Saying ‘You Need It’ – I Instantly Taught Him a Lesson

My birthday party took an unexpected turn when my father-in-law presented me with a weight loss machine in front of all our guests. Little did he know, I was about to uncover some embarrassing secrets from his past that would certainly be a blow to his ego.

I never thought I’d be teaching my father-in-law a lesson on my own birthday, but life has a way of surprising you. Especially when you’re juggling two kids, a husband who’s often away, and in-laws who live next door.

A woman interacting with two children | Source: Pexels

A woman interacting with two children | Source: Pexels

I’m Anna. I’m 32 years old, and most days, I feel like I’m barely keeping my head above water. Don’t get me wrong, I love my life. But between Sophie, our five-year-old hurricane of energy, and Ben, our one-month-old who thinks sleep is optional, I’m constantly exhausted.

My husband Sam is amazing when he’s home. The problem is, he’s not home nearly as often as I’d like. His job keeps him on the road, leaving me to handle the day-to-day chaos on my own. I try not to resent it, but some days are harder than others.

A woman carrying a baby | Source: Pexels

A woman carrying a baby | Source: Pexels

We live in Sam’s childhood home — kindly ceded to us by my in-laws — a beautiful old house with more rooms than we know what to do with. It’s perfect for raising a family, with a big backyard for Sophie to run around in and plenty of space for all of Ben’s baby gear.

But it comes with one major drawback: it’s right next door to my in-laws.

Now, my mother-in-law, Martha, is a saint. She’s always ready with a home-cooked meal or an offer to watch the kids when I need a break. We’ve become close over the years, bonding over our shared love of gardening and our exasperation with the men in our lives.

An older and younger woman sharing an apparently strong bond | Source: Pexels

An older and younger woman sharing an apparently strong bond | Source: Pexels

But Frank, my father-in-law? That’s a whole different story. From the day Sam introduced us, I could tell Frank wasn’t impressed. He’s always had this idea of the “perfect” woman for his son, and apparently, I don’t fit the bill.

In Frank’s mind, Sam’s ideal partner was probably some combination of supermodel, rocket scientist, and gourmet chef. Someone who could discuss the stock market over breakfast, run a marathon at lunch, and whip up a five-course dinner without breaking a sweat. Oh, and of course, she’d never gain an ounce of baby weight.

A slender model posing dramatically | Source: Pexels

A slender model posing dramatically | Source: Pexels

Let’s just say that after two kids and countless sleepless nights, I’m not exactly living up to that fantasy. My idea of a productive day is managing to get out of bed, shower, and get everyone fed without any major meltdowns.

And as for the baby weight? Well, Ben’s only three months old. I’m still wearing my maternity jeans, and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

A woman asleep in bed | Source: Pexels

A woman asleep in bed | Source: Pexels

Frank’s disapproval has always been there, simmering under the surface. A raised eyebrow when I mention ordering takeout instead of cooking. A not-so-subtle comment about the importance of “staying fit” after having children.

It’s death by a thousand cuts, each one small enough to brush off in the moment, but they add up over time.

Sam tries to run interference when he’s home, but he doesn’t see the worst of it. He doesn’t hear the backhanded compliments or feel the weight of Frank’s disappointed stares. And honestly, I try not to burden him with it.

A man helping a child dish up a meal | Source: Pexels

A man helping a child dish up a meal | Source: Pexels

He already feels guilty about being away so much; I don’t want to add to that by complaining about his father.

So when my birthday rolled around this year, I was actually kind of relieved that Sam was out of town. Don’t get me wrong, I missed him like crazy. But at least I wouldn’t have to deal with the awkward dance of Sam trying to keep the peace between his wife and his father.

A young family celebrating a birthday | Source: Pexels

A young family celebrating a birthday | Source: Pexels

The morning of my birthday, I woke up to Ben’s cries. As I dragged myself out of bed for what felt like the hundredth time that night, I caught sight of myself in the mirror.

My hair was a mess, there were dark circles under my eyes, and my old college t-shirt was sporting a lovely new spit-up stain. Happy birthday to me, I thought wryly.

But then my phone buzzed. It was a video message from Sam. His face filled the screen, that goofy grin I fell in love with plastered across it.

A smartly-dressed man operating a mobile phone | Source: Pexels

A smartly-dressed man operating a mobile phone | Source: Pexels

“Happy birthday, beautiful!” he said. “I’m so sorry I can’t be there today. But check the bedroom closet — I left a little something for you. I love you, Anna. You’re an amazing wife and an incredible mom. I don’t know how you do it all, but I’m grateful every day that you do. Have a great day, sweetheart. I’ll call you tonight.”

As I watched the message, I felt the stress and exhaustion melt away, replaced by a warm glow of love and appreciation. This is why I do it all, I realized. For moments like these.

A woman smiling, holding a mobile phone | Source: Pexels

A woman smiling, holding a mobile phone | Source: Pexels

With Ben finally settled, I tiptoed to the closet, careful not to wake Sophie who was still blissfully asleep. In the back, behind my collection of yoga pants and nursing tops, I found a small velvet box. Inside were the most beautiful gold earrings I’d ever seen.

My day was made! What could drag me down after such a thoughtful and beautiful gift from my beloved husband? Well, just you read on.

As I got ready for the day, I noticed how different my body looked now. The extra weight from the pregnancy was still there, and for a moment, I felt a pang of insecurity. But then I heard Sophie’s voice from the hallway.

A woman in a dressing gown, applying moisturizing lotion | Source: Pexels

A woman in a dressing gown, applying moisturizing lotion | Source: Pexels

“Mommy! Can we have birthday pancakes?”

Just like that, my mood lifted. Who cared about a few extra pounds when I had this amazing family?

The day flew by in a whirlwind of birthday wishes, last-minute party preparations, and wrangling an excited five-year-old. By the time guests started arriving for the party, I was feeling pretty good.

Our house filled up with friends, laughter, and the smell of the ridiculous amount of food I’d prepared. Everything was going great. And then I heard a car pull up outside.

A birthday party in full swing | Source: Pexels

A birthday party in full swing | Source: Pexels

My stomach dropped. I knew that engine sound anywhere. Frank and Martha were here.

I plastered on a smile as they walked in, Martha giving me a warm hug while Frank nodded stiffly. But then I noticed the massive box Frank was carrying.

“Anna,” he said, his voice booming over the party chatter. Everyone fell silent. “This is a gift from us. We want our son to have a girl without extra weight. So we think you need this!”

A man carrying a large box | Source: Pexels

A man carrying a large box | Source: Pexels

He put the box down with a thud, and I felt like I’d been slapped. Inside was a weight loss machine.

The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. I stood there, frozen, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. Martha looked horrified.

“Frank!” she hissed. “I had no idea about this. Anna, I’m so sorry.”

I couldn’t speak. I just turned and ran upstairs, ignoring the whispers behind me. I found myself in the attic, surrounded by boxes of old memories, trying to catch my breath.

A step-ladder leading up into an attic storeroom | Source: Pexels

A step-ladder leading up into an attic storeroom | Source: Pexels

As I sat there, something caught my eye. A suitcase labeled “Frank’s stuff”. Curiosity got the better of me, and I peered inside.

And then I started laughing. Because right there on top were two books that Frank had clearly tried to hide years ago. They were titled something like — I’m paraphrasing here because I can’t remember the exact titles — ‘How to be a Real Man in Your 30s’ and ‘Bedroom Troubles and How to Fix Them.’

Suddenly, I knew exactly what I had to do.

Old suitcases in an attic | Source: Pexels

Old suitcases in an attic | Source: Pexels

I composed myself, grabbed the books, and headed back downstairs. The party was still awkwardly silent when I walked in, all eyes on me.

“Hey, everyone,” I said, trying to sound casual. “I just remembered I have a gift for Frank too. I found these while cleaning the attic recently, and I thought you might want them back.”

I held up the books for everyone to see. “I thought that you probably still need them, so I decided to return them to you!”

The room erupted in laughter. Frank’s face turned beet red. “I haven’t needed those in years!” he spluttered.

A man reacting angrily | Source: Pexels

A man reacting angrily | Source: Pexels

But Martha, sweet Martha, just calmly took the books from me and turned to Frank. “Oh, you definitely still need them, dear,” she said, just loud enough for everyone to hear.

The laughter grew even louder. I locked eyes with Frank, daring him to say another word. For once in his life, he stayed quiet.

As the party continued, I felt a sense of victory. Sure, Frank had tried to humiliate me, but I’d managed to turn the tables. And, judging by the supportive looks I was getting from our friends, I wasn’t the only one who thought Frank had crossed a line.

People enjoying a birthday party celebration | Source: Pexels

People enjoying a birthday party celebration | Source: Pexels

Later, as guests were leaving, Martha pulled me aside. “Anna, I’m so sorry about Frank,” she said, looking genuinely upset. “That was completely unacceptable.”

I nodded, suddenly feeling drained. “It’s not your fault, Martha.”

She squeezed my hand. “You’re family, Anna. It’s about time Frank realized that. I’ll be having a long talk with him when we get home.”

An elderly woman smiling happily | Source: Pexels

An elderly woman smiling happily | Source: Pexels

As I closed the door behind the last guest, I couldn’t help but reflect on the day. It hadn’t gone at all how I’d expected, but in a weird way, I felt stronger for it.

I picked up my phone to call Sam. He needed to hear about this birthday adventure. As it rang, I caught sight of myself in the hallway mirror. And you know what? Extra baby weight and all, I looked pretty damn good.

“Hey, birthday girl,” Sam’s voice came through the phone. “How was your day?”

I took a deep breath. “Oh, honey, you wouldn’t believe what happened…”

A woman taking up a mobile phone | Source: Pexels

A woman taking up a mobile phone | Source: Pexels

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