Entitled Neighbor Took Over Our Shared Garden to Host Loud Parties — My Epic Plan Made Him Move Out in a Month

When our obnoxious new neighbor hijacked our shared garden for his raucous parties, peace seemed impossible. Desperate for quiet, I discovered his unprotected sound system. My plan? Hijack his speakers and make him regret ignoring our pleas for him to be quieter.

Hey, I’m Alex, and I’m finally coming clean about a little act of sweet revenge I pulled off a few years back. If you’ve ever had a loud neighbor, then you’re going to love this!

A man with a faint smirk | Source: Unsplash

A man with a faint smirk | Source: Unsplash

My then-girlfriend, Lila, and I lived in a small building with a shared garden. It was a community, a sanctuary of sorts. Lila and I had made it our home. That was until Todd arrived, shattering our tranquility like a sledgehammer through glass.

Todd moved in on a Friday, which should have been a red flag in itself. Friday move-ins scream, “I want to party all weekend.” And boy, did he live up to that expectation.

By Saturday night, the walls were vibrating with the bass from his speakers.

A man on a sofa covering his ears | Source: Midjourney

A man on a sofa covering his ears | Source: Midjourney

Our once serene building turned into the scene of a college frat party. The music was so loud, you could feel it in your bones, even with earplugs jammed in.

I remember the first night vividly. Lila, buried in her nursing textbooks, had set up camp in the living room to escape the noise, but it was futile. I could see her frustration etched on her face, her eyes narrowing as she tried to concentrate.

“This is ridiculous,” she huffed, slamming her book shut. “How am I supposed to study with this going on?”

A woman studying | Source: Pexels

A woman studying | Source: Pexels

“We’ll talk to him tomorrow,” I promised, but even as I said it, I wasn’t confident. Todd didn’t seem like the reasonable type.

True to my word, I knocked on Todd’s door the next morning. I wasn’t alone. Half the building had shown up, looking equally tired and annoyed.

Todd opened the door with a smirk, his messy hair and rumpled clothes suggesting he’d barely slept. The smell of alcohol wafted out, making me wrinkle my nose.

“Can I help you?” he asked, though it was clear he knew exactly why we were there.

A grumpy man answering his door | Source: Midjourney

A grumpy man answering his door | Source: Midjourney

“Hey, Todd, we’re your neighbors,” I started, trying to sound friendly. “We just wanted to talk about the noise last night. It’s really disruptive, and some of us have work or school.”

Todd leaned against the doorframe, crossing his arms. “Look, man, I have a right to enjoy my place. If you don’t like it, maybe you should consider moving.”

I glanced around at the others, all of us stunned by his arrogance. “We’re not asking you to stop having fun, just to keep it down a bit.”

A man with a confused frown | Source: Pexels

A man with a confused frown | Source: Pexels

Todd’s smirk widened. “I’ll think about it.” And with that, he shut the door in our faces.

Over the next few weeks, things got worse. Todd’s parties grew louder, wilder, and more frequent. The garden, once a lovely communal space, was now littered with beer cans and cigarette butts.

Lila’s frustration peaked when she found a group of partygoers lounging in the garden the morning of her big exam.

“I can’t take this anymore, Alex!” she cried, her eyes red from lack of sleep. “I need peace and quiet to study. This is ruining everything.”

An intensely frustrated woman | Source: Pexels

An intensely frustrated woman | Source: Pexels

My frustration mirrored hers. We tried earplugs, white noise machines, even sleeping at friends’ places, but nothing worked. Watching Mia struggle made my blood boil. I had to do something.

One evening, as I watched Todd’s party through the window, an idea hit me. Todd had the same sound system as us, and I remembered it had no Bluetooth authentication. If I could hijack his speakers…

I spent the next few nights coding a program that would take control of Todd’s sound system. Lila watched me with a mix of curiosity and concern.

A man working on his laptop | Source: Pexels

A man working on his laptop | Source: Pexels

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” she asked, biting her lip.

“It’s the only way,” I replied. “Besides, it’ll be hilarious.”

Finally, the night came to test my creation. As Todd’s party raged on, I activated the program. Seconds later, the sounds of loud, piercing baby cries blasted through his speakers. Lila and I peered out the window, watching the chaos unfold.

Partygoers looked around, confused and irritated. Todd frantically fiddled with his sound system, but the baby cries continued.

A home sound system | Source: Pexels

A home sound system | Source: Pexels

Within an hour, the party had dwindled down, the guests leaving in frustration. Lila and I couldn’t stop laughing.

“Did you see his face?” she giggled. “Priceless!”

Todd’s frustration was evident. Over the next week, he took his speakers for repair multiple times, but the baby cries persisted. We had a front-row seat to his growing confusion and irritation.

“I think we broke him,” Lila said one night, her tone half-amused, half-worried.

“Good,” I replied, though a part of me wondered if we might be going too far. But for now, seeing Todd’s bewilderment felt like sweet, sweet justice.

A man smiling | Source: Pexels

A man smiling | Source: Pexels

You’d think after the whole baby-crying-speaker debacle, Todd would’ve gotten the hint. But no, this guy was determined to be the King of Annoying.

After his fourth or fifth failed attempt to fix his sound system, Todd just went out and bought a brand-new, state-of-the-art WiFi-enabled monstrosity. It was like he wanted to challenge us. I swear, when he set it up, the bass alone probably registered on the Richter scale.

That weekend, the party was back, louder than ever. But this time, Todd made a mistake. A big one.

Close up of a speaker | Source: Pexels

Close up of a speaker | Source: Pexels

I’m sitting on our balcony, pretending to enjoy the chaos (spoiler: I wasn’t), when I hear him, loud and clear, shout out his new WiFi password to one of his drunk friends.

“Hey, it’s ‘ToddRules123’!” he yelled, laughing as if it was the funniest joke in the world.

Lila, sitting next to me with her laptop, looked up. “Did you hear that?” she whispered, eyes wide.

“Oh, I heard it,” I replied, my brain already ticking over. This was a golden opportunity.

A man smirking | Source: Pexels

A man smirking | Source: Pexels

With a smug grin, I grabbed my laptop and headed inside, Lila trailing behind, a mixture of curiosity and worry etched on her face.

“What are you planning?” she asked, peering over my shoulder as I opened a few programs.

“I’m going to make Todd regret ever learning what WiFi is,” I said, my fingers flying across the keyboard.

I spent the next few hours writing a program that would wreak havoc on Todd’s precious new system.

code on a laptop screen | Source: Pexels

code on a laptop screen | Source: Pexels

First, I hacked into his router and set it to continuously change the admin password. Then, I programmed it to stream the most annoying sound imaginable—nails on a chalkboard — directly to his TV.

As a cherry on top, every time his printer came online, it would spit out creepy clown faces. And let’s not forget the random volume changes on his speakers. It was a masterpiece of digital chaos.

Lila watched, her face a mixture of admiration and fear. “Are you sure about this? What if we get caught?”

A couple having a conversation | Source: Pexels

A couple having a conversation | Source: Pexels

I smirked. “We won’t get caught. Todd’s too clueless to figure out what’s happening. Besides, he deserves it.”

That night, we watched from our balcony as the chaos unfolded. Todd’s party started like usual, music blaring, people laughing. But then, the nails on a chalkboard sound blasted through his TV.

The partygoers cringed, covering their ears. Todd ran around, trying to figure out what was happening, only to have his printer start spewing out creepy clown faces.

And the speakers, oh, the speakers.

Guests at a party covering their ears | Source: Midjourney

Guests at a party covering their ears | Source: Midjourney

One minute they were blasting, the next they were barely a whisper.

“What the hell is going on?!” Todd screamed, his face turning red with frustration. He unplugged things, plugged them back in, but nothing worked.

Lila nudged me. “You’re enjoying this way too much.”

“Maybe,” I admitted, grinning. “But it’s worth it.”

Over the next week, Todd’s frustration grew. ISP technicians made multiple visits, scratching their heads and offering no solutions.

A man in overalls | Source: Pexels

A man in overalls | Source: Pexels

Every time Todd thought he had it fixed, my program would kick in again, driving him to the brink. His parties became more desperate attempts to prove he was still in control, but they always ended in chaos.

The final straw came one Saturday night.

Todd’s apartment was packed, the music loud enough to rattle windows. Suddenly, everything went haywire.

The TV screeched, the speakers blared then silenced, and the printer went into overdrive. Todd snapped.

A man shouting | Source: Unsplash

A man shouting | Source: Unsplash

He started yelling, throwing things, and smashing kitchenware. The guests scattered, leaving him alone in his destruction.

“That’s it!” he screamed. “I’m done! I’m outta here!”

Lila and I watched, trying to hide our smiles. “Think he means it?” she asked.

“Definitely,” I said, feeling a sense of triumph.

True to his word, Todd moved out within a week. The building sighed in collective relief, the peace we’d longed for finally restored. The neighbors celebrated, oblivious to our involvement. It was the quietest, happiest gathering we’d had in months.

People at a gathering | Source: Pexels

People at a gathering | Source: Pexels

Lila and I enjoyed the tranquility, savoring our small victory.

“Do you think we went too far?” she asked one evening, as we sat on the balcony, watching the sunset.

“Maybe,” I admitted. “But sometimes you have to fight fire with fire.”

Just as we were settling back into our peaceful routine, a moving truck pulled up. We watched with mild curiosity as a new neighbor stepped out.

Boxes in the back of a moving van | Source: Pexels

Boxes in the back of a moving van | Source: Pexels

He seemed friendly enough, so we introduced ourselves.

“Nice to meet you,” he said, shaking our hands. “I’m Jake. Just so you know, I love hosting karaoke nights.”

Lila and I exchanged nervous glances.

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