I Took a Stranger on My Road Trip, Only to Uncover I Was Part of His Plan – Story of the Day

I didn’t know Derek before our road trip. He was just a fellow traveler, splitting the cost of gas with another hitchhiker, Jenny, and me. When we stopped for the night, I accidentally overheard his conversation with Jenny. That’s when I realized Derek wasn’t just a random stranger—he knew Jenny before the trip and had planned our meeting! But why? A shiver of unease ran through me…

I’m a young journalist with a passion for uncovering the truth. I was excited but nervous about my latest assignment: investigating a mysterious house where a young girl had died under unclear circumstances.

My budget was tight, so I put up an ad in a local bar, hoping to find someone to split the cost of gas. Unfortunately, no one responded.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The next morning, I found myself at a quaint café in the suburbs, sipping a strong cup of coffee and going over my notes. The smell of freshly baked bread filled the air, making it a bit easier to push aside my worries.

I’d been waiting for a potential travel companion who called early that morning. When I answered and realized it was a man, I immediately told him he would probably be rejected. But he insisted on meeting and asked for just five minutes of my time.

Just as I took a bite of my toast, a young man approached my table.

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“Hi, are you Emily?” he asked.

I looked up, slightly startled. “Yes, that’s me.”

He gave a small smile. “I’m Derek. I called you earlier this morning about the ad. I’m heading in the same direction and thought we could travel together.”

I studied him for a moment. Derek was tall, with a rugged look that suggested he had seen more than a few adventures. His dark eyes held a hint of mystery, and his posture was relaxed but assured.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

There was something about him that made me uneasy, but I couldn’t afford to be picky.

“Uh, sure,” I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. “I could use the company.”

We sat and talked for a bit. Derek was reserved, sharing little about himself. His answers to my questions were short and vague.

Despite my unease, I couldn’t deny that having a travel companion was practical. The trip was long, and having someone to share the driving and expenses was a relief.

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“Why are you heading that way?” I asked, hoping to learn more about him.

He paused, looking out the window before answering. “Just need to get away for a while. Clear my head.”

I nodded and didn’t press further. There was something about his tone that suggested he wasn’t telling the whole story, but I decided to let it go.

We did some shopping together and then hit the road.

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I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was making a mistake, but I pushed it aside. I had a job to do, and Derek was my best option for getting there.

Little did I know that this decision would lead me down a path of unexpected twists and revelations, starting with a curious incident at our first stop.


As we drove down the long, winding road, I tried to make small talk with Derek. The silence between us felt heavy, and I hoped to ease the tension.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“So, Derek, where are you from?” I asked, keeping my eyes on the road.

He glanced at me, then looked out the window.

“A little bit of everywhere, I guess. I’ve moved around a lot.”

I nodded, trying to get him to open up more.

“What made you decide to move so much?”

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Derek shrugged, his expression unreadable.

“Just never found a place to settle down, I suppose.”

I sensed he didn’t want to delve into his past, but my curiosity got the better of me.

“What do you do for a living?”

He hesitated before answering, “Odd jobs here and there. Nothing permanent.”

I felt a pang of unease. His vagueness was unsettling.

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“Any family or friends you keep in touch with?”

Derek’s jaw tightened. “Not really. It’s just me.”

The more he spoke, the more I regretted taking him with me. The air in the car grew tense, and I focused on the road ahead, my mind racing with doubts.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

After some time, we pulled into a gas station. “I need to stretch my legs,” I said, trying to shake off the unease.

Derek nodded and stayed in the car while I went inside to use the restroom.

When I returned, something felt off. My bag was slightly open, and my papers were not as I had left them. It looked like someone had been rifling through my notes.

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I glanced at Derek, who was casually leaning back in his seat, seemingly unaware of my distress. My heart raced with suspicion, but I kept quiet.

As I was about to get back into the car, I noticed a girl standing by the convenience store entrance. She looked lost and somewhat anxious.

“Hi there,” I called out. “Are you okay?”

She turned to me.

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“Oh, hi! I’m Jenny. My ride left me here, and I had no way to get to my next stop. Could you possibly give me a lift?”

Jenny seemed a bit ditzy, but harmless. I weighed my options and decided it might be safer to have another person with us.

“Sure, Jenny. We’re heading that way. Hop in.” I showed her the back seat.

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Jenny’s face lit up. “Thank you so much! You have no idea how grateful I am.”

As we drove off, Jenny sat in the back seat, chattering away. She talked about her plans, her favorite music, and her cat named Muffin. Her bubbly nature provided a stark contrast to Derek’s brooding silence.

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“So, where are you guys headed?” Jenny asked, leaning forward.

“I’m writing an article about a mysterious house where a young girl died,” I explained. “It’s a bit of a creepy story.”

Jenny’s eyes widened. “Wow, that sounds intense! I’ve always been fascinated by mysteries. What about you, Derek? What brings you on this trip?”

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Derek turned slightly, his expression still guarded. “Just needed a ride. Emily was kind enough to let me join.”

Jenny seemed satisfied with the answer, but I could see her stealing curious glances at Derek. Her presence made me feel a bit more at ease, but the nagging feeling that something was off with Derek never left my mind.

As the miles stretched on, I couldn’t shake the sense that this trip was about to get a lot more complicated.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney


We arrived at the house late in the evening. It loomed in front of us, a dark silhouette against the dimming sky.

Derek suggested we stay the night since the nearest town was 30 miles away. I felt a chill run down my spine at the thought. Though I was scared, Jenny assured me it would be fine, and we could lock our bedroom doors. I reluctantly agreed.

While Derek and Jenny prepared a meal from our shopping list and vegetables they found in the garden, I wandered around the house, taking in the eerie atmosphere.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The house was old, with creaky floorboards and dusty corners. I pulled out my dictaphone and began recording my observations.

July 11 – 21:46

[Click, creaking floorboards]

“This house belonged to a man who lived here with his wife.”

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“He killed her for infidelity and was convicted of premeditated murder.”


“Excuse me, there’s so much dust here. There’s a photo on the shelf. Let me see…”

[Rustling of paper]

“Oh my god… it’s Derek. My travel companion is the same guy accused of murder!”


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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

I stood frozen, staring at the old photograph in my hand. It was unmistakably Derek, younger but him, with a woman who must have been his wife.

My heart pounded in my chest as I pieced together the implications.

Downstairs, I heard Derek and Jenny chatting. Their voices were low and casual, but now every word seemed charged with hidden meanings.

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I took a deep breath and decided to sneak down quietly, hoping to learn more without alerting them. The old floorboards groaned under my weight, but I moved as silently as I could, hugging the shadows.

The closer I got, the more their conversation came into focus. Jenny’s giggle sounded forced, and Derek’s tone was unsettlingly calm. I pressed myself against the wall outside the kitchen, straining to catch their words.

“…she’s suspicious,” Jenna was saying.

“Doesn’t matter,” Derek replied smoothly. “We stick to the plan.”

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What plan? What were they up to?

I edged closer, my breath shallow.

“You think she bought it?” Jenny asked.

“She will,” Derek said confidently. “She has no choice.”

I felt a cold sweat break out on my forehead. I had to know what they were planning, but I had to be careful. One wrong move, and they would know I was listening.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Suddenly, Jenny’s voice changed, becoming more serious. “And if she finds out the truth?”

Derek’s answer was chillingly calm. “We’ll deal with it.”

A floorboard creaked loudly under my foot. The conversation stopped abruptly, and I heard chairs scraping against the floor as they stood up.

“Emily?” Derek called out, his voice dangerously close.

I had to act fast. I quickly slipped into a dark corner, hoping they wouldn’t see me. My heart pounded in my ears as I tried to stay perfectly still.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

“Did you hear that?” Jenny whispered.

“Probably just the house settling,” Derek said, though his tone suggested he wasn’t convinced.

I waited, my breath held, until I heard their footsteps retreating into the kitchen. Only then did I let out a sigh of relief, though my mind was still racing.

What had I gotten myself into? And what were they planning to do with me?

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Thinking they hadn’t noticed me, I cautiously descended the stairs, each step echoing in the old house.

Suddenly, a hand clamped down on my shoulder. I spun around, my eyes wide with fear as I faced Derek. Jenny stood behind him, looking equally startled.

“Why were you sneaking around?” Derek’s eyes narrowed, his grip tightening on my shoulder.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

“I wasn’t sneaking,” I stammered, trying to sound brave. “I heard noises and got curious.”

“Curious, huh?” Derek’s voice was cold. “Well, now that you’re here, why don’t you join us?”

He guided me into the kitchen, not giving me a chance to resist. Jenna stood awkwardly there, her eyes darting between us. The dinner was waiting at the table.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage. “What’s going on? Why are you really here?”

Derek exchanged a glance with Jenny before speaking. “We need to talk, Emily. You weren’t supposed to find out like this, but you’ve left us no choice.”

My heart pounded as I waited for an explanation, the tension in the room thick and suffocating.

Derek began, “I followed you because I couldn’t risk you writing another defamatory article about me. My life has been ruined by lies, and I need you to hear the truth.”

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Jenny stepped forward.

“I was at the gas station to make sure you wouldn’t be afraid to travel with us. We needed you to stay here overnight so we could explain everything.”

I shook my head, disbelief and anger surging through me.

“You manipulated me, invaded my privacy. How can I trust anything you say?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Derek’s expression softened. “Please, just listen. I’m not the monster they made me out to be.”

The room fell silent as I processed their words. My mind raced with questions, doubts, and fears.

Could I trust them? Did I have a choice?

“Fine,” I said finally, my voice trembling. “Explain everything. But this better be good.”

We sat down at the table, and Derek took a deep breath, ready to reveal the secrets that had brought us to this point.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels


Over dinner, once we had all calmed down, Derek recounted the story of his wife. He explained what really happened.

“My wife, Laura, died in a tragic accident,” Derek began.

“We argued, and I stormed out of the house, leaving her behind. Our neighbor saw me leave, she can confirm that. When I returned, I found her at the bottom of the stairs. The authorities ruled it an accident, saying she must have slipped and fallen. But her sister, Clara, never liked me and seized the opportunity to accuse me of murder. She convinced the media to publish lies, portraying it as a deliberate act.”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

Derek paused, his voice heavy with emotion. “I still blame myself for what happened, for leaving her alone. But I can’t bear another round of lies and accusations of intentional murder. I need the truth to be known.”

I listened intently, the pieces of the puzzle starting to fit together.

Derek continued, “The trial cleared my name, but the damage was done. Clara’s influence made sure everyone believed I was guilty. The articles painted me as a monster.”

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Jenny nodded, her eyes filled with empathy.

“We knew you were writing about the house where it happened. We wanted to make sure you heard the truth, not just Clara’s version.”

I felt a bit of guilt and understanding. “I’m sorry, Derek. I judged you based on what I read. I should have looked deeper.”

Derek gave a small, appreciative smile. “Thank you for listening, Emily. That’s all I wanted. Let’s have dinner, I’m so hungry!”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

During the meal, we discussed everything that happened. Derek shared more about his life since the incident, the constant shadow of suspicion hanging over him. Jenny added details about Clara’s vendetta and how it had affected them both.

I decided to help Derek restore his reputation.

“I’ll write the true story,” I promised. “People need to know what really happened.”

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The atmosphere lightened. We were no longer just strangers thrown together by circumstance; we were allies with a common goal.

Jenny, Derek, and I agreed to continue traveling together for a while longer. We wanted to ensure Derek’s story was told accurately, and in the process, we found ourselves enjoying each other’s company as newfound friends.

The road ahead seemed less daunting, knowing we had each other for support.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Tell us what you think about this story, and share it with your friends. It might inspire them and brighten their day.

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