5 Stories of People Who Ruined Their Own Wedding Day

When it comes to weddings, it’s easy to expect guests, relatives, and outside circumstances to ruin the day. But in this case, the people getting married caused the disaster!

These real-life tales of wedding nightmares will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about love, commitment, and the sanctity of marriage. But beware, the last story will have you cringing at the audacity of the groom!

These stories have been edited for grammar and clarity.

1. At the Catholic Wedding, It Turned out the Bride Wasn’t as Innocent as She Seemed

One time, I attended the wedding of my ex-boyfriend’s sister. The whole event was very restrained, with few guests (only family and close friends.)

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

But the bride wore a gorgeous, lavish dress with a skirt starting right from her chest. It looked rather bulky, considering how tiny the bride was, but I didn’t think much of it at the time.

The groom’s family was conservative and loved old traditions like no intimacy before marriage, etc. They praised the bride so much it bored me to tears.

She was considered very proper, religious, and innocent by them. They even went on and on about how she was the perfect example of what a modern wife should be. Gag.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The groom’s family believed the couple only went on innocent dates, and the bride lived with her brother (but I knew that wasn’t true, as I lived with her brother then).

She would sneak out at night to meet guys, and come back at all hours of the night. That’s why this innocent image she created irritated me. It was all a big lie.

But during the groom’s parents’ toast (again praising the bride’s innocence), the bride’s water broke. Yep, a huge puddle formed beneath her, and she let out a little shriek.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

She was pregnant the entire time and the look on everyone’s faces was epic! Even I didn’t know that!

Now that lavish dress made sense. It was designed to hide her baby bump. The whole charade came crashing down in an instant. The groom’s family was mortified, and the bride was in tears.

I couldn’t help but smirk a little.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

2. The Groom Turned out to Be a Complete Jerk

It was a lavish, luxurious wedding of a wealthy family, but the groom lived in another state, so I had to pick him up from the airport. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about this assignment, but hey, I couldn’t say no.

Little did I know, this guy was going to be a royal pain.

I immediately noticed how poorly he treated the airline staff when he shoved a flight attendant because she was blocking his way.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pixabay

He didn’t even apologize! It was like he thought he was better than everyone else.

Then, he treated me disrespectfully, throwing his bags at me and ordering me to be more careful with them. I was tempted to tell him to shove it, but I kept my cool.

Throughout the journey, he told me I was nobody and mocked me for working as a driver at my age (I’m 56).

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

I wanted to remind him that not everyone can be born with a silver spoon in their mouth, but again, I kept my mouth shut. I didn’t want to ruin this day for several reasons.

When we finally arrived at the venue, the bride ran into his arms. I smiled because it was like a scene from a romantic movie, and for a second, I thought maybe I had misjudged him.

But nope, the jerk was still a jerk.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

He couldn’t wait to meet her parents, so I led him to the waiting area where the bride’s mother waited. I approached her, wrapped my arms around her waist, and extended my hand to him.

“I’m the bride’s father, nice to meet you,” I said calmly.

Obviously, his jaw hit the floor and he started stammering. My daughter and wife looked confused, but I just laughed. The guy did a 180 with me after that, and to this day, he’s still trying to get on my good side.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

3. The Bride Flirted with Me While Her Future Husband Sat Nearby

I’m a wedding planner. A few months ago, a very young couple came to me (he was 20, and she was 18). At first, I even thought she was pregnant.

But the couple told me a story that they had been together for 5 years and finally reached the age to get married. They kept asking for discounts, and I accommodated them as much as I could.

However, they always asked for more, so I had to put my foot down. The wedding preparations finally started going smoothly, when I noticed a strange new behavior from the bride.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

She started openly flirting with me! IN FRONT OF HER FUTURE HUSBAND! And even odder: the guy was suspiciously not paying attention.

At first, I tried to ignore it, but when she offered to meet her in a hotel room right before their wedding ceremony, I had no choice but to tell the groom about it.

His response shocked me! With a calm face, he said, “And how is she in bed? Can we get a 20% discount now?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

4. The Bride Regretted Pulling off the Surprise Wedding

Two years ago, I was in charge of decorations for a nice ceremony. Almost 200 guests were invited to the wedding, so there was a lot of work to do.

The venue was stunning, with flowers everywhere, fancy table settings, and a beautiful archway for the ceremony.

The bride and her mom were very happy that the girl was finally getting married, but during all the time I was decorating the hall, I never saw the groom.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

He was always “busy with work” or “running errands.” I thought it was a bit strange, but hey, who am I to judge?

It turned out it was a surprise wedding! The couple weren’t engaged, and the bride planned everything herself.

She thought it would be romantic and super special to surprise her boyfriend with a wedding.

She even called him and said she left her wallet at the restaurant (where the ceremony was supposed to take place) and asked him to pick it up.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

I was nervous for her, but she seemed so confident it would all work out.

The groom came to the restaurant with HIS EX, kissing as if they were on a honeymoon. They walked in, all lovey-dovey, and when they saw the full room of people staring at them, they just froze in place.

The ex looked confused, the groom looked panicked, and the bride… well, she looked like her heart was shattered. She ran out into the streets, hysterically crying.

Oops… it looks like the surprise didn’t go as planned. I felt so bad for her, but weddings should never be one-sided.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

5. The Groom Made an Indecent Proposal to Me at His Own Wedding, and Everyone Present Heard It

Years ago, I had a job organizing weddings. It was pretty cool, getting to see all the different themes and crazy stuff people did.

One time, I was at a fancy wedding where the couple were the “power couple” of two respectable families. You know, the kind with the perfect Instagram photos and all that jazz.

But surprisingly, they turned out to be very nice and friendly people.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

The guests behaved very properly, and it was all very classy. Hardly anyone was drinking, except for the groom. That was a mess. He got completely wasted, barely able to stand by the end of the evening.

He was slurring his words and bumping into people.

As the wedding was winding down, the music was already turned off, and guests began to leave, the groom came up to me, hugged me from behind, and said, “Wanna have some fun in my room?”

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Midjourney

Everyone heard it because I had a microphone attached to me. It was so awkward.

Being a guy, I didn’t appreciate his proposition. I pushed him away and told him to get a grip. The bride was furious, his family was mortified, and I was just trying to keep my cool.

The next day, the bride called me and apologized for her husband’s behavior. She said he was deeply ashamed and had no memory of the incident.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

I felt bad for her, but I also knew it was a red flag. They ended up getting divorced a year later. I guess not all that glitters is gold, even at a fancy wedding.

These wedding horror stories might make you want to swear off marriage altogether, but don’t despair! While these couples may have had their big day ruined, it doesn’t mean your wedding is doomed to fail.

Remember, even the most disastrous weddings can be a source of laughter and entertainment, and who knows, maybe your own wedding blooper will one day become a viral sensation.

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For illustration purposes only | Source: Pexels

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